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(1)平坦的Q- H曲线:如图2-43曲线d所示。这种性能曲线适用于流量调节范围较大,而压力要求变化较小的系统中。可以在一定范围内起到自动维持液面和压力的作用,如锅炉给水泵、消防泵。
(2) 陡降的Q-H曲线:如图2 - 43曲线c所示。这种性能曲线适用于在流量变化不大时要求压头变化较大的系统中,或压头波动时要求流量变化不大的系统中。例排灌泵站中,输送纤维浆液的系统中用泵。
(3)有驼峰的Q-H曲线:如图2 - 43曲线a所示。这种性能曲线,泵在驼峰区运行时会出现不稳定工况。当有驼峰的性能曲线a与装置特性曲线b会交于两个点,而不是一个点,使泵处于不稳定工况,影响泵的安全运行。所以对于有鸵峰的化性能曲线,一 般规定工作点的扬程必须小于关死扬程,以免泵在不稳定工说运行。
流量-功率曲线(Q-P) 是表示泵的流量与轴功率之间关系的曲线。泵的轴功率是泵的水功率P,和机械损失功率AP之和,泵的水功辛P.可用下式计算:
根据泵的性能曲线,计算出流量与水功率的关系曲线,如图2 -40中Q'-Pr所示,加上对应流量点的机械损失功率,就可得到流量与轴功率的关系曲线Q' -P,对每一个流量Q'值减去相应的容积损失,即可得到泵的实际流量-轴功率曲线(Q -P)。
流量-效率曲线是表示泵流量与效率之间关系的曲线。根据泵的Q -H曲线和Q-P曲线上的相应点,可得到泵的流量-效率曲线Q一η。可以看出Q一η曲线是由坐标原点出发的一条抛物线,最高点m的流量Q,为设计工况点(即额定流量点), 当Q<Qp 时效率η是随流量Q的增加而增加。当Q>l,时,效率η是随流量的增加降低了,所以泵应使用在额定流量时最为经济。渣浆泵配件
Q-H curve with hump: as shown in Figure 2-43 curve a. This performance curve, the pump in the hump area operation will appear unstable conditions. When there is a hump performance curve A and device performance curve B will intersect at two points, rather than one point, so that the pump is in an unstable condition, affecting the safe operation of the pump. Therefore, for the chemical performance curve with peak, generally, the head of the specified working point must be less than the shut-off head, so as to avoid the pump running in unstable operation.
II. Flow power curve (Q-P)
Flow power curve (Q-P) is a curve showing the relationship between pump flow and shaft power. The shaft power of the pump is the sum of the water power P of the pump and the mechanical loss power AP, and the water power P of the pump can be calculated by the following formula:
According to the performance curve of the pump, calculate the relationship curve between flow and water power, as shown in Q & apos; - PR in Fig. 2-40, and add the mechanical loss power of the corresponding flow point to get the relationship curve Q & apos; - p between flow and shaft power. Subtract the corresponding volume loss from each flow Q & apos; value to get the actual flow shaft power curve (Q-P).
III. flow efficiency curve (Q - η)
The flow efficiency curve is a curve showing the relationship between pump flow and efficiency. According to the Q-H curve and the corresponding points on the Q-P curve, the flow efficiency curve q-η can be obtained. It can be seen that the q-η curve is a parabola starting from the origin of the coordinate, and the flow Q at the highest point m is the design operating point (i.e. rated flow point). When Q < QP, the efficiency η increases with the increase of flow Q. When Q > L, the efficiency η decreases with the increase of flow, so the pump should be used at rated flow.