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3)叶片入口角(β=18"~26*) 和出口角(β=26"和63),叶片数Z=2~6,叶轮出口宽度b2和比转数N,=0.43~0.56,在上述几何尺寸范围内对泵性能没有很大影响。
Design of Slurry Pump by Using the Latest Design Method
For example, the numerical calculation method of hydraulic design can greatly improve the efficiency of the pump. The numerical calculation method is as follows: the wear of slurry pump depends on the local values of concentration and velocity, so the velocity field and concentration field must be calculated before evaluating wear. Mathematical models of fluid and solid particle motion need to transform differential equations of motion into discrete forms. The discrete equation is solved by the substitution method according to the initial and boundary conditions. The two-dimensional model ensures a simple relative approximation of flow and wear in a centrifugal slurry pump. The particle trajectory can be calculated by using two-dimensional or three-dimensional calculation to determine the whole flow velocity field. These calculations are based on the momentum equation and take into account the inertia-centrifugal force and resistance of particles.
In 1992, C.I. Walker et al. published an article entitled "The influence of impeller geometry on the performance of centrifugal slurry pump", which studied the influence of blade number, blade inlet and outlet placement angle, impeller outlet width and blade shape on pump performance. The following conclusions were drawn:
1) Blade shape has great influence on lift ratio HR and efficiency ratio ER. 2) When the Froude number Fr increases, the HR and ER values will increase.
3) blade inlet angle (beta=18"~26*) and outlet angle (beta=26" and 63), blade number Z=2~6, impeller outlet width B 2 and specific speed N,=0.43~0.56, have no significant influence on pump performance in the above geometric size range.
4) Solid particle size has different effects on HR and ER. At high concentration and fine particle size, ER < HR, and at medium concentration and large particle size, HR ER.